How our kids act
How our parents act
Skill development
Forming relationships
Having Fun!!
The atmosphere of 3T's Bats baseball is professional at all times on the field and in the stands. Players, coaches, and parents will be held to the utmost standards in that regard.
We do not define success solely on wins and losses but rather the improvement of the individual as a whole. We look at the whole child, not just the baseball player. We develop teams that play well fundamentally and exhibit a true understanding of sportsmanship, and teamwork. We will be the best in regard to citizenship, teamwork and fundamentals.
Baseball Coaches will have the safety and general well-being of the players in mind. Our coaches will not intimidate players, embarrass or ridicule them. Our coaches will treat the players with respect. All coaches will be held to the highest standard of child development and are ultimately responsible for answering to the Director.